

DeLange Korvelseweg 98 Tilburg

使用生物基隔热灰泥的 1936 年老房子

我们的主要产品和服务是使用生物基材料进行装修。这栋房子适合有三个孩子和两个大人的完整家庭居住。他们将在这里生活 50 年,而不用担心能源成本问题,因为我们把这栋老房子改造得非常好,可以满足未来时代的要求,达到 2050 年左右的标准。我们都知道良好的隔热性能是多么重要,它可以使房屋密不透风,但仍然非常舒适。房子冬暖夏凉。

VDZ Projecten
We are a building construction Compagny zich since 12 years old house energetic neutral renovates. Above all we do that with biobased materials like wood wood fiber and cellulose. When the building itself is done we start with the installation all electric we do that all integrated in our compagny. We have all skills in house to do the job complete by our selfs. we have a small Familie business A Father and two sons with different skills and experience. while doing job we stil have time to inspire our customer to do more in an durabel lifestyle like bio awareness when buying consume products.
VDZ Projecten
Walther Dingemans sr
I'm a 58 years old but feeling still very strong long men who was a milieu activist in the 1980 with low education But achieved to manage myself with having business for myself since 40 years Till 2011 I had a building compagny with 100 people working me as well Brick laying using a lot off material what had a big Co2 impact I was willing to change 1 time in my life to create a sustainable company for myself and my sons and daughters we have now an Green building company who works emmissie free with work EV vans since 2018 and we work with 95% biobased and retro when needed. Green greetz.
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