

Dopper Insulated


Dopper 相信地球上人人都能喝上干净的水,塑料污染已成为过去。Dopper 保温杯获得了 "从摇篮到摇篮 "认证(Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze),由 90% 的可回收不锈钢制成,可为您的饮料保温 9 小时或 24 小时。保温杯经久耐用、不含双酚A(BPA)、65°C以下可用洗碗机清洗、双层真空密封,有三种尺寸和精心挑选的颜色。通过 "数字产品护照",用户可以追踪产品的使用过程、材料和影响。此外,我们的行为研究发现,每一个 Dopper 都能防止 104 个 SUP 瓶污染我们的水域。

Dopper is empowering people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles, to protect our world's waters. Everything we do gets us closer to our vision: a world with crystal clear waters, where plastic pollution is a thing of the past and everyone has access to safe drinking water. Dopper is a social enterprise. We feel that as a company, we have a responsibility to the world. That is, to make sure our actions help our planet (and people) stay healthy. Therefore, we are a certified B Corp. Being part of a group of changemakers that use business as a force for good is core to what we do.
Merijn Everaarts, Niels Heijman & Rinke van Remortel.
Merijn Everaarts: The idea for a reusable water bottle came about after he became captivated by the plastic soup and was challenged to create a solution. Niels Heijman: He currently leads the R&D department. He is the driving force between the Cradle-to-Certification of our Dopper Insulated and other products. Rinke van Remortel: In 2010 he won the design contest for the Dopper, "the perfect bottle for tap water". Since 2016 he is leading his own design studio in Breda in the Netherlands.
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