

Live Sashimi x Aqin


在日本的一些村庄,生鱼片是一种传统,渔民将海鲜的肉和骨头分开,在当地的餐馆里食用,而残余的海鲜则在水下保存。这种做法看似残忍,引发了一个问题:我们应该保留还是放弃这种习俗?这与记录日本屠杀海豚的电影《海豚湾》如出一辙,暗示着海洋生物与人类之间的复仇循环。反思我们的行为至关重要。24 春夏系列采用图案、印花和褶皱设计,旨在描绘这些生物所遭受的苦难,呼吁人们重新评估我们的传统。

Peiyang Li
Peiyang Li is a multidisciplinary designer based in Shenzhen, China and the New York City area – as well as a part-time professional astrology consultant. Her areas of interest and practice include crocheting, macrame braiding, ruching, machine knitting, hand knitting, and modern astrology. Growing up in three cities allowed her to encounter people from all different cultural backgrounds and disciplines. Most of her collections are inspired by the stories that she collected during the astrological consultations. Deeply influenced by the Western and Oriental ideology.
Peiyang Li
Peiyang Li, a Shenzhen and NYC-based designer and astrologer, fuses interests in crochet, macrame, ruching, knitting with modern astrology. Her multicultural upbringing fuels collections inspired by astrological narratives, often sparking ethical dialogue through textile art, exploring the overlooked and the unspoken.
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