

Natural Crayon Kit


Earthy Palette 是一款适合 7 岁以上儿童使用的实验工具包,通过制作天然蜡笔传授可持续发展知识。附带的手册通过清晰的说明一步步指导孩子们利用家中的废弃物和套装中的天然成分制作自己的彩色蜡笔。这一过程提倡材料的循环观,并以 STEAM 方法为基础,将艺术与生物和化学概念相结合,提供适合不同年龄段的相关环境问题(如循环经济)的解释。

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
With the degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development you become a qualified professional to develop industrial design activities and create new products, concepts and services that add value to the production system. You obtain the necessary projective experience for the planning and development of the whole life process of a product, and the key competences to establish and develop the aspects that facilitate production and commercialization in addition to those wich help to analise the social en environmental impact of the solution.
Sofia Catalan Garcia
Sofia Catalan finished her studies in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at the UPC in 2024. This project is her Final Degree Project, in which she seeks to promote industrial design as a social and environmental tool. Through this approach, her goal is to train and educate future generations, helping them to be aware of current environmental emergencies and existing alternatives. The work was developed during 2024 and included a study on the creation of the waxes, carrying out tests to ensure their performance, as well as a practical part with children.
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