


即插即用交流电源,耗电量减少 40

TerraBreeze 是一种即插即用的创新型空调系统,其耗电量比传统型号低 40%,是小型企业、办公室和家庭的可持续选择。其先进的热回收技术不仅降低了能源成本,还减少了 80% 的制冷剂需求,使 TerraBreeze 可以使用异丁烷等天然制冷剂。这种古老制冷方法与现代技术的独特结合,为任何希望减少环境影响和保持凉爽的人提供了高效、环保的解决方案。

Social Cooling
Social Cooling is developing an Air Conditioner that consumes up to 40% less electricity than traditional units and requires no installation or exhaust hose. Unlike conventional systems, TerraBreeze uses natural and more eco-friendly refrigerants, significantly reducing its environmental impact while maintaining high cooling efficiency.
Philippe Schmit
Philippe Schmit (CEO) brings a rich knowledge of global legal expertise and a passionate commitment to sustainability and human rights to Social Cooling. His leadership is characterized by a strategic focus on advancing eco-friendly cooling solutions, leveraging his extensive background in legal matters related to data protection, e-commerce, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. Philippe's drive for innovation and his ability to navigate the complexities of technology development and business growth are instrumental in propelling our mission forward.
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