



TheTrueGreen 的植物木材由大麻和生态粘合剂制成,为奢华设计带来了可持续性。它的触感和耐久性与木材无异,是家具和装饰的理想材料。大麻每年每公顷可吸收 25 吨二氧化碳,有助于生物多样性和减少二氧化碳排放量,是具有生态意识的设计的上佳选择。它符合木工标准(750 千克/立方米和 900 千克/立方米),还能很好地接受饰面,实现令人惊叹的环保创作。TheTrueGreen 减少了能源和粘合剂的使用,进一步减少了碳足迹。它是未来更环保的木材替代品。

The True Green
THE MISSION OF THE TRUE GREEN IS TO USE THE POTENTIAL OF ANNUAL PLANTS AS WOOD SUBSTITUTE OF THE FUTURE. The True Green seeks a balance between the growing demand for consumer products and diminishing natural resources. We focus on business development and economic growth while respecting natural areas and places of long-term development of biodiversity. We look for easily renewable, common, problematic and unwanted materials for our products. Grow with us in a sustainable way and, like us, believe in products from annual plants!
Jadwiga Husarska-Sobina (Creative Director), Piotr Pietras, Justyna Bekier, Rafał Sagan, Paulina Pasek
The True Green initiative is led by Piotr Pietras in management and Justyna Bielec in R&D, emphasizing agricultural innovation. Paulina Pasek ensures compatibility with wood properties, while designer and creative director Jadwiga Husarska Sobina refines aesthetics and usability. Rafał Sagan brings expertise in carpentry, aligning the material with industry norms. Together, they're forging a sustainable future where design marries eco-responsibility.
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