

the Dächle


Dächle 是一个有顶的长凳系统,在大学和城市社会的交界处创造了一个社交互动的场所。Dächle 由可回收材料制成。在四个支撑物(也可用作长凳)上,有一个轻质的屋顶结构,可为学生、来宾和路人遮阳挡雨。Dächle 是一个设计建造工作坊的成果,通过社会过程和生物、地理和再利用材料的使用,体现了以体验为基础的学习。

Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
36 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. 125 professors, 390 lecturers, 3,850 students, around 100 researchers: at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, we are all working on the future every day. Climate expertise, resilience and networking form the basis for making the world of today and tomorrow a better place with qualified solutions. The Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Faculty of Architecture and Design deal with the design, technical, economic, ecological, energy-related and social planning of buildings and cities.
HFT Stuttgart, KURA (Klimagerechte Und Ressourceneffizente Architektur)
Lehrende: Vertr. Prof. dipl.ing.arch. Fabian Hörmann, Vertr. Prof. dipl.ing.arch Frank Stasi, Nora Warhof Mitarbeitende Werkstatt: Romano Bianchi, Philipp Spoun, Willi Mauch Studierende: Nicole Blender, Nina Diehl, Tim Ganssleben, David Gschwind, Anna Herbert, Jonas Hille, Alparslan Karavas, Sabrina Keller, Johanna Klug, Julian Kopp, Luise Lonnemann, Tanja Marlewski, Miriam Marx, Lorenz Mueller, Pia Mueller, Lea Piesch, Carolina Resner, Katharina Schaff, Masri Shehata, Carlotta Stuible, Fabiano Tavano, Annabelle Thees, Aslihan Utku, Henning Vogel, Jule Woellhaf, Beguem Yilmaz und Jonas Zyder
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