



我们的花园展示了大自然的循环性,但花园技术通常以垃圾填埋而告终。 WR1不仅仅是一个新的按需浇灌植物的装置,它从一开始就被设计成可持续的。所有的部件都很小,可以通过邮件发送,而且设计成非熟练的最终用户只需一把螺丝刀就能安装。其新的 "Free Your Plants "母品牌将以负担得起的价格提供所有的备件,至少25年。所有零件和配件都是可回收的。经测试,WR1的寿命相当于100年,它将在未来几十年内培育你的植物和你的地球。

McNestry Innovation Limited
Martin McNestry BEng MSc CEng FIMechE Bio: My passion is for designing products that do more with less and do not end up in landfill. This approach minimizes use of scarce resources and maximizes profit margins. I'm a UK based Electromechanical design engineer and Industrial designer. In my career I've designed/invented scores of 'best in class' industrial products and am named inventor on over 300 patents and applications. Many of my creations have achieved this goal through high level integration of mechanics, electronics & software/firmware.
Martin McNestry BEng MSc CEng FIMechE
My passion is for designing products that do more with less and don’t end up in landfill. I'm a UK based Electromechanical design engineer and Industrial designer. Most of my designs have succeeded due to high level integration of mechanics, electronics & software/firmware. In my career I've designed/invented many class leading industrial products and am named inventor on many patents. My love of gardening led me to invent this product. My love of the planet led me to this renewable business model.
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