


利用木材废料制成可生物降解的 3D 打印材料

Willowprint使用我们独特的Willowpaste材料提供环保型算法设计的椅子。我们的椅子是用工业废料中的木粉进行 3D 打印的,因此完全可回收和生物降解,适合具有环保意识的消费者、设计师和企业。这种创新工艺只使用必要的材料,确保零浪费,并能在产品生命周期结束时轻松回收或堆肥。我们的方法将可持续发展与尖端设计相结合,促进资源友好型制造。

Willowprint / RWTH Aachen
We are Willowprint, a startup that emerged from a research project at RWTH Aachen University. Incubated at the Collective Incubator from RWTH, we focus on sustainable fabrication practices and we aim to change the manufacturing landscape. We utilize innovative 3D printing technologies and a unique, biodegradable material made from wood flour and other natural components. Our objective is to create environmentally friendly products that are 100% circular, contributing to zero waste and promoting eco-conscious consumption and production methods.
Federico Garrido & Joost Meyer
Federico Garrido, is an architect and a digital design and fabrication expert, he holds a PhD in innovative design strategies. As a Postdoc researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, he focuses on the intersection of historical projects and digital methodologies in architectural design. Joost Meyer, is a sculptor, designer, and researcher. His doctoral thesis explores the tension between manual and digital modeling in architecture. At RWTH Aachen, his Willowprint research project combines additive manufacturing with sustainability and circular materials.
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