Green Concept Award

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Vom Fast-Fashion-Müll zum erschwinglichen Wohnraum

Die Fast Fashion hat zu einem Anstieg des Bekleidungsmülls geführt, wobei Europa minderwertige Altkleider in Entwicklungsländer exportiert und damit die Umwelt schädigt, insbesondere im ghanaischen Slum Chorkor. TextileRefuge verwandelt dieses Problem in eine Lösung, indem es Limetex entwickelt, ein Baumaterial aus Textilabfällen und Kalk, das am Politecnico di Milano getestet wurde. Das Projekt bietet Arbeitsmöglichkeiten, Schulungen und nachhaltigen Wohnraum und fördert eine Kreislaufwirtschaft. TextileRefuge reduziert Abfälle, verbessert die Lebensbedingungen und zeigt, wie ein Umweltproblem in eine Entwicklungschance verwandelt werden kann.

IED - Istituto Europeo di design
Institute of European Design, Milan – Product Design The Institute of European Design (IED) in Milan is a premier design school focused on innovation and creativity. Our Product Design program equips students with the skills needed to address real-world challenges through user-centered and sustainable design. With a faculty of industry experts, students gain valuable insights and hands-on experience, preparing them for successful careers in the design field.
Carola Castiglione, Mattia Cappiello, Mattia Macciachini & Giacomo Frova
We are four students from diverse backgrounds and fields of study, united by a passion for design and sustainable innovation. With experiences ranging from product design to social design, we have created TextileRefuge, a project that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries through innovative solutions. We believe in the power of design to transform the social and environmental impact of our communities. Our mission is to inspire positive change by creating materials and systems that can respond to the needs of a constantly evolving world.
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