Green Product Award

Green Products


Digitized local bus service for small towns

Mass public transportation is costly to operate and is typically available only in large cities. It requires running many buses, even when some are nearly empty. In Europe and US, at least 300 towns with populations between 9,000 - 25,000 do not have a local bus service. Tomatiq is a digitized local bus operator Powered by a Cyber-Physical System, Tomatiq optimizes timetables, bus stops, and passengers’ walking routes. Thanks to its efficiency, Tomatiq is a sustainable solution for small towns with limited or no budgets.Tomatiq’s main revenue channel is direct sales of tickets to passengers.

Tomatiq AB
TOMATIQ AB designs, develops and commercializes digital systems. With a strong expertise in Big Data, IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems and web/mobile apps, TOMATIQ AB currently focuses on developing the Tunnll project. Tunnll is a sustainable urban bus service for those small towns that do not have local public transport. Tunnll targets very small and small towns with a population of 9,000-25,000 inhabitants. Tunnll aims to be financially sustainable in the long-term. Tunnll provides an app-first digital experience to passengers, allowing them to use the transportation network through an app.
Tomatiq AB
Kirill Blazko
Kirill, an expert in digital transformation, mobility innovation, and sustainable urban planning, leads Tomatiq , where he oversees strategy, operations, and partnerships. He holds two engineering degrees and a proven track record in scaling tech-driven solutions. As a seasoned entrepreneur, this is his third startup.
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