Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


El conjunto modular que crece con tu pequeño

Ya sea en su baby shower o en el primer cumpleaños de su hijo, le regalarán decenas de juguetes que con el tiempo se convertirán en una carga. La ambición de Bloom es ofrecer una alternativa de baja tecnología a los juguetes efímeros con una solución evolutiva y modular diseñada para acompañar a tus hijos en su crecimiento. Se trata de transmitirlo a las generaciones futuras o de devolverlo para que lo reciba la siguiente familia. La participación de los niños en el proceso de montaje crea un sentimiento de apego y autonomía. Además de las configuraciones preestablecidas, ¡está pensado para que los pequeños jueguen y construyan lo que deseen!

Punctuate Design
Punctuate Design Studio is a product design and industrial design studio focused on the development of sustainable products and solutions. We help design tomorrow's products for our customers! Our main objective is to reduce the environmental impact of our clients' products through design, knowing that 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined during the design phase. We guide our clients in their eco-design project and dedicate our time in creating circular solutions and products.
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Punctuate Design
Thibault Lerailler, Philippe Marchand, Enora Labidurie, Gabrielle Lachance, Olivia Handfield
Punctuate Design Studio is a product design and industrial design studio focused on the development of sustainable products and solutions. We help design tomorrow's products for our customers! Our main objective is to reduce the environmental impact of our clients' products through design, knowing that 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined during the design phase. We guide our clients in their eco-design project and dedicate our time in creating circular solutions and products.
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