



无论是在婴儿洗礼仪式上,还是在孩子一岁生日时,您都会收到数十件玩具,而这些玩具最终都会成为您的负担。Bloom 的目标是提供一种低技术含量的替代品,以进化和模块化的解决方案取代短暂的玩具,陪伴孩子成长。它可以传给后代,也可以送回给下一个家庭。孩子们参与组装过程,会产生一种依恋和自主的感觉。除了预设的配置外,它还专为孩子们设计,让他们尽情玩耍和搭建自己想要的东西!

Punctuate Design
Punctuate Design Studio is a product design and industrial design studio focused on the development of sustainable products and solutions. We help design tomorrow's products for our customers! Our main objective is to reduce the environmental impact of our clients' products through design, knowing that 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined during the design phase. We guide our clients in their eco-design project and dedicate our time in creating circular solutions and products.
Thibault Lerailler, Philippe Marchand, Enora Labidurie, Gabrielle Lachance, Olivia Handfield
Punctuate Design Studio is a product design and industrial design studio focused on the development of sustainable products and solutions. We help design tomorrow's products for our customers! Our main objective is to reduce the environmental impact of our clients' products through design, knowing that 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined during the design phase. We guide our clients in their eco-design project and dedicate our time in creating circular solutions and products.
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