Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Cápsulas dentífricas a base de algas

Chewthpaste es un dentífrico en forma de cápsula. En lugar de extender la pasta sobre el cepillo, basta con morderla para liberar la pasta de su interior y cepillarse como se hace normalmente. El producto beneficiará a quienes viajan por trabajo, ya que los hoteles podrán reducir sus residuos plásticos sustituyendo sus minipastas dentífricas por Chewthpaste. Los tubos de pasta de dientes tradicionales van a parar a vertederos, ya que su composición de plástico y aluminio es difícil de reciclar. La interacción lúdica también será muy útil para los padres a los que les cuesta que sus hijos se cepillen los dientes.

University of Illinois
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a public land-grant research university in the Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area, Illinois, United States. Established in 1867, it is the flagship institution of the University of Illinois System. With over 59,000 students, the University of Illinois is one of the largest public universities by enrollment in the United States. Industrial Design is one of the majors within the School of Art and Design in The College of Fine and Applied Arts (FAA), it is a multi-disciplinary art school at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Estados Unidos
Savio Mukachirayil
Savio Mukachirayil is a post-graduate researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Graduated with BA Industrial Design from Loughborough University, then completed his MA and MSc at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London respectively. Currently Savio is working at the intersection of material science and industrial design in search of sustainable alternative materials to petroleum-based polymers.
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