Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Tubo de pasta de dientes reutilizable

Laminar es un tubo de pasta de dientes reutilizable que sustituye a los envases desechables de la pasta de dientes, con las ventajas añadidas de ahorrar dinero y ofrecer una experiencia de mayor calidad. Los tubos son aptos para el flúor y el lavavajillas y están diseñados para funcionar como una jeringuilla tradicional. Una vez vaciados, los usuarios pueden llevar sus tubos Laminar a cualquier "estación de recarga" de las farmacias o tiendas sin envases para rellenar los tubos con su pasta de dientes favorita.

Muthesius Kunsthochschule
Muthesius Kunsthochschule is Germany's only art school by the sea. Students can study industrial design, communication design, spatial strategies, interior design and art. Muthesius Academy of Art is an art school located in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The school was named after the architect Hermann Muthesius and was re-founded in 2005.
Bashar Zapen
I'm an Industrial Medical and UX Designer who has worked on contemporary humanitarian and medical issues alongside topics such as mobility and sustainability. I love throwing myself into the deep end with every project I do. This exposes me to information and people that I'd never encounter otherwise, thus making the journey of each project incredibly exciting and captivating. My most recent work addresses the challenges of pediatric cardiac surgery training in economically and politically constrained areas.
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