



Isidro 是一款 botijo,其灵感来自于水与马德里二项式的象征意义,即水的守护神 San Isidro。这款经典之作在形式上进行了改良,将珍贵的元素美化为生命之水。通过滑模铸造、浸入式上釉、单一烧制和当地贸易,利用材料和能源的优势,其手工生产减少了对环境的影响。器物的手柄成为马德里赞助人的腰带和黄麻带。白色粘土与纯洁的灵魂有关,在水陶中与典型的棕色粘土相得益彰。

Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid
The Madrid Higher School of Design (ESD Madrid - Est. 2010) is a training center that offers official public Higher Education in Design at the Undergraduate (Interior, Graphic, Fashion and Product) and Postgraduate (Interactive Design and Design of Commercial Spaces) of the QF-EHEA (European Higher Education Area). The ESD campus has more than 700 students and 100 teachers whose mission is to respond to social demands, training professionals with the ability to research, propose and optimize new products and services.
Sergio Cuartones
I´m Sergio Peña, AKA Sergio Cuartones, a family pseudonym that dates back to 1875 and that I use as an identifying sign of my Toledo roots. My career develops within product design, graphic design and visual identity development with solutions based on rigor, honesty and technical solvency. I consider design as a true tool for improving the quality of life as well as a vector for creating emotions and memorable moments. I am passionate about design and heritage, using history and symbols to conceive unique products forged on the pillars of sustainability. Nothing is constant except change.
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