

Mycelial Composting Tube


菌丝堆肥管是利用橄榄树种植过程中产生的废弃物制作而成的。管内收集的橄榄树堆肥经菌根真菌、白腐真菌和其他菌剂处理后,分解成有机物,成为营养源。生物降解管采用循环施肥法,与 CRZ 结合建立菌根共生关系。这能增强养分吸收,改善土壤结构,提高对环境压力的适应能力。在橄榄树生长阶段,可添加微生物制剂或植物废料,以满足各种养分需求。

國立臺北教育大學National Taipei University of Educationv
National Taipei University of Education is an education university specializing in the cultivation of elementary school teachers. It is located in Da'an District, Taipei City. Along with National Taichung University of Education, it is one of the two remaining specialized schools in Taiwan for cultivating elementary school teacher candidates. The campus exudes a strong sense of humanities and arts, with classical architectural ambiance that attracts many film and television productions for filming locations.
Chuang Chu-An, Li Chih-Yun, Wu Yi-Chen, Chen Zih-Jin, Lin Yu-He & Prof. Li Kai-Chu
We are from National Taipei University of Education and Ming Chi University of Technology in Taiwan. We identified the issues of olive tree waste and the use of chemical fertilizers, and we are exploring sustainable solutions for olive trees.
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