

Plant Screw


PlantScrew是一种符合人体工程学的工具,可有效地将幼苗连根拔起,而不损害其根部。一个 "健康 "的根部可以增加树苗的存活率,并使重新造林更加有效。PlantScrew不仅提高了树木的存活率,还使林业工人的工作更轻松、更健康、更符合人体工程学。如果有更多的树苗在种植过程中存活下来,将来就可以培育出更多成功的种植树。该工具非常容易操作,并允许私人森林所有者在他们自己的森林中重新种植自然再生创造的树苗。

Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
The Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd) is a university of design in the German State of Baden-Württemberg. The univer­sity deli­ber­ately dispenses with artistic or handi­c­raft prere­qui­sites in the teaching of design basics. In contrast, all five study programmes focus on scien­tific findings and the rational justi­fia­bi­lity of design decisions.
Dominic Hahn & Franziska Dehm
Franziska Dehm and Dominic Hahn are studying product design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd in Germany. Both are fascinating by solving problems with design. One focus of their work is the questioning of existing processes and the integration of sustainable aspects. As part of a semester project, Dehm and Hahn dealt with the problems of reforestation. With the PlantScrew project, both want to draw attention to the important role of the forest and how it can be preserved for the future.
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