

(RE)cord Player


ReCord 播放器是一个开源设计项目,由丰田物料搬运公司(Toyota Material Handling)剩余的叉车零部件制成。其目的是在不增加任何工业流程的情况下重新利用这些废料。电子元件由 Arduino 驱动,辅助部件则是 3D 打印的。该项目旨在展示如何利用现有资源创造日常用品,让用户在设计和生产过程中发挥积极作用。它的功能是邀请用户重新思考他们与设计和制造之间的互动。

Lund University
Lund University's Industrial Design program, based in Sweden, is renowned for its emphasis on sustainability, human-centered design, and interdisciplinary approaches. Part of the School of Industrial Design within the Faculty of Engineering, the program offers both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Website : https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-TAIDE
Jade Veillet
I am Jade Veillet, 23 years old, and I am currently doing a master's degree in Industrial Design at Lund University, in Sweden. I previously completed a Bachelor's program in Product Design in Paris. According to me, design is a social and empathic discipline. My primary objective as a designer is to create products that enhance people's daily lives all around te world. I focus on critical issues such as sustainability and inclusivity. Through my work, I’m exploring alternative practices and approach of design.
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