

Sea Glass


海玻璃由一种微藻制成,这种微藻从周围的水中提取二氧化硅,沉淀到二氧化硅细胞壁中。玻璃的主要成分二氧化硅通常来自沙子。通过种植硅石而不是提取硅石,我们可以减少对破坏环境的采砂业的依赖,并通过藻类的光合作用捕获大量的 CO₂。经过大量的科学和材料研究,海玻璃诞生了。它由 90% 的微藻提取的二氧化硅制成,既保留了传统玻璃的特性,又降低了熔化所需的能量。

Design and engineering to impact people, society and the planet. At Elisava we train designers with a creative profile, critical thinking and an exploratory vision of the world, capable of questioning and conversing with other people in the social, productive, scientific or cultural environment. Our students will be trained to design products, services and environments that foster a more inclusive and sustainable society.
Paolina Kühr
Paolina Kühr is a Paris-born material designer and researcher exploring the symbiotic potential between natural ecosystems and human innovation. After studying biology at Freie Universität Berlin and University of Milan, an internship in bacterial-cellulose leather sparked her interest in bio-based materials. She later pursued a Master’s in Design through New Materials at Elisava in Barcelona, founding Orsa Studio to reimagine materiality with nature. Her research focuses on microalgae-derived glass, aiming to create carbon-negative materials that support ecological resilience.
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