Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Alternativas sostenibles de envasado a partir de algas marinas

Kelpi se ha propuesto combatir la contaminación por plásticos reduciendo la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y sustituyendo los plásticos tradicionales de un solo uso por materiales innovadores a base de algas. Aplicado como revestimiento sobre papel, cartón y otros sustratos de fibra, "KelpiCoat" está diseñado para reproducir las prestaciones del plástico y es una alternativa ideal para las grandes empresas de bienes de consumo que quieren reducir su consumo de plástico. Gracias a la incorporación de enlaces naturales en la composición química del material, éste es reciclable y biodegradable, y se descompone completamente en el medio ambiente sin dejar toxinas ni microplásticos.

Kelpi is a UK based materials innovation start up, with the purpose of tackling the major issues of plastic pollution through the development of alternative materials made from seaweed and other natural feedstocks. Kelpi's material is applied as a coating, onto paper, card, and other fibre substrates and is therefore recyclable and fully biodegradable - leaving no microplastics or toxins behind. We are working with large FMCG brands and their packaging partners in the food & drink, cosmetics, and personal care sectors, helping to reduce their plastic packaging use.
Reino Unido
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Dr Stefanie Federle, Dr Georgios Gkotsis, Julia Maxwell, Dr Marco Piccini, Dr Ed Jones & Molly McCarthy
Dr Stefanie Federle, CSO; Dr Georgios Gkotsis, CTO; Julia Maxwell, Product Manager; Dr Marco Piccini, Senior Polymer Scientist; Dr Ed Jones, Principal Engineer; Molly McCarthy, Polymer Scientist Dr. Stefanie Federle leads the lab team comprising Dr. Marco Piccini and Molly McCarthy who focus on sustainable polymer synthesis, development and formulation. Dr. Georgios Gkotsis leads the product and engineering teams, comprising of Julia Maxwell and Jonny Needham focusing on material development and conversion methods, Dr. Ed Jones and Shreeya Rayani focusing on the industrialisation strategy for scale up, and Patricia Palomillo and Chara Chatzistefanou, who focus on product development, testing and quality control.
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