



Kelpi 公司的使命是通过减少对化石燃料的依赖来消除塑料污染,用创新的海藻基材料取代传统的一次性塑料。KelpiCoat "作为一种涂层,可用于纸张、卡片和其他纤维基材,其设计可复制塑料的性能,是希望减少塑料消耗的大型快速消费品组织的理想替代品。我们的材料在化学成分中加入了天然键,可回收和生物降解,能在环境中完全分解,确保不会留下毒素或微塑料。

Kelpi is a UK based materials innovation start up, with the purpose of tackling the major issues of plastic pollution through the development of alternative materials made from seaweed and other natural feedstocks. Kelpi's material is applied as a coating, onto paper, card, and other fibre substrates and is therefore recyclable and fully biodegradable - leaving no microplastics or toxins behind. We are working with large FMCG brands and their packaging partners in the food & drink, cosmetics, and personal care sectors, helping to reduce their plastic packaging use.
Dr Stefanie Federle, Dr Georgios Gkotsis, Julia Maxwell, Dr Marco Piccini, Dr Ed Jones & Molly McCarthy
Dr Stefanie Federle, CSO; Dr Georgios Gkotsis, CTO; Julia Maxwell, Product Manager; Dr Marco Piccini, Senior Polymer Scientist; Dr Ed Jones, Principal Engineer; Molly McCarthy, Polymer Scientist Dr. Stefanie Federle leads the lab team comprising Dr. Marco Piccini and Molly McCarthy who focus on sustainable polymer synthesis, development and formulation. Dr. Georgios Gkotsis leads the product and engineering teams, comprising of Julia Maxwell and Jonny Needham focusing on material development and conversion methods, Dr. Ed Jones and Shreeya Rayani focusing on the industrialisation strategy for scale up, and Patricia Palomillo and Chara Chatzistefanou, who focus on product development, testing and quality control.
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