Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Koa Pure & Flakes

Zumo de pulpa de cacao 100% natural y saludable

Koa reutiliza la pulpa de cacao previamente desechada transformándola en productos de sabor sorprendente, como zumo, concentrado y polvo, todos ellos puramente naturales y obtenidos exclusivamente a partir de la pulpa de cacao. Los clientes de Koa utilizan estos ingredientes sostenibles, ya sea en gastronomía, confitería y panadería, así como en la industria alimentaria y de bebidas. En 2024, Koa había reciclado más de mil toneladas de pulpa de cacao que hasta entonces se habían pasado por alto. Al reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en un 40% y aprovechar más el potencial de las plantaciones de cacao, Koa contribuye a reducir el impacto medioambiental negativo.

Koa Switzerland and Ghana
Koa is a Swiss-Ghanaian company that upcycles the previously discarded cocoa pulp by processing it into amazing-tasting products including juice, concentrate, and powder, which are all purely natural and obtained exclusively from the cocoa pulp. As a business firmly rooted in creating a Triple-Bottom Line, “people, planet, profit”, Koa is committed to generating a positive impact for all stakeholders along the value chain. By reducing food waste by ~40% and using more of a cocoa farm’s potential, Koa contributes to reducing the negative environmental footprint in the cocoa sector.
The entire team at Koa Switzerland and Ghana
Founded in 2017, the main focus was on the productive use of solar power to stimulate the rural economy. Through a series of intensive research, Koa discovered that the cocoa value chain has a great need to improve the utilization of natural resources and people's livelihoods. This is how Koa started to upcycle the cocoa pulp to provide farmers with additional income and create jobs in rural Ghana whilst offering consumers unique and sustainable products that resonate with their preferences.
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