Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

The Perfect Portion

Alimentación lenta y consciente

Una mirada más atenta a la relación de la sociedad con la comida revela un patrón de consumo excesivo. El slow eating reduce eficazmente la ingesta de alimentos mediante mecanismos fisiológicos y psicológicos que regulan el apetito y favorecen la saciedad. En lugar de platos normales, la comida se sirve en un "falter", la porción perfecta para el bocado perfecto. La atención pasa del consumo pasivo a la alimentación consciente, evitando distracciones. El plegado se convierte en un ritual que fomenta la apreciación, y el material favorece la masticación consciente. El Falter se adapta cómodamente a la mano y la perforación facilita el plegado.

Hochschule Wismar - University of Applied Sciences Technology, Business and Design
Hochschule Wismar - Faculty of Design offers an interdisciplinary environment through its degree programmes in architecture, interior architecture, communication design and design. Students are introduced to complex topics through both theoretical and practical approaches, preparing them for the diverse challenges of a designer. The faculty emphasises individual support to foster the growth of each student. Its design culture addresses global challenges with a focus on social responsibility, holistic design, sustainability and innovation.
Korinna Rennefeld
Korinna Rennefeld (1996) studies product design at Hochschule Wismar after an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker. She gained practical experience with Thomas Schnur in Cologne and Claesson Koivisto Rune in Stockholm. Since 2022 she has been working as an assistant to professors Oliver Hantke and Stephan Schulz. "My work addresses current issues and focuses not only on human-centred design, but also on the social and ecological environment. In the context of sustainability, I analyse systems and develop functional, aesthetic alternatives - guided by my passion for experimentation“
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